Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2023

Impact of Varietal Mixtures on Septoria Tritici blotch in durum wheat : ANR MobiDiv project and ARCAD experimentation

Impact des mélanges variétaux sur la septoriose : projet MobiDiv et expérimentation ARCAD


The experimental set-up installed on the ARCAD building site in Montpellier consists of individual containers dedicated to the installation of plant cover and interactions between plants. It enables the detailed study of the functioning of these cover crops through the non-destructive acquisition of data on vegetation dynamics. AGAP Institut's phenotyping platform uses high-throughput phenotyping tools (imaging, hyperspectral cameras, LIDARs) to characterize the plants grown in these containers. This set-up has been used to study the behaviour of varietal mixtures in different density conditions. One of the aims of the experiment was to answer the question: does density have an impact on plant-plant interactions, in relation to septoria?
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hal-04516265 , version 1 (27-03-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04516265 , version 1


Martin Ecarnot, Laura Mathieu, Pierre Roumet, Elsa Ballini, Justin Savajol, et al.. Impact des mélanges variétaux sur la septoriose : projet MobiDiv et expérimentation ARCAD. AGAP Scientific Days, AGAP Institut, Nov 2023, Montplelier, France. ⟨hal-04516265⟩
41 Consultations
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