Article Dans Une Revue Chemistry - A European Journal Année : 2019

Manipulation of Transmembrane Transport by Synthetic K + Ionophore Depsipeptides and Its Implications in Glucose‐Stimulated Insulin Secretion in β‐Cells


Cyclic depsipeptide Cereulide toxin it is a very well know potassium electrogenic ionophore particularly sensitive to pancreatic beta cells. The mechanistic details of specific activity are unknown. Here, we describe a series of synthetic substituted cereulide potassium ionophores that cause an impressive selective activation of glucose-induced insulin secretion in a constitutive manner in rat insulinoma INS1E cells. Our study demonstrates that a different electroneutral K+ transport mechanism by the anionic mutant depsipeptides when compared with classical electrogenic Cereulides can have an important impact of pharmacological value on gluco-sestimulated insulin secretion.


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hal-03831759 , version 1 (06-10-2023)



José García-Calvo, Tomás Torroba, Virginia Brañas-Fresnillo, Germán Perdomo, Irene Cózar-Castellano, et al.. Manipulation of Transmembrane Transport by Synthetic K + Ionophore Depsipeptides and Its Implications in Glucose‐Stimulated Insulin Secretion in β‐Cells. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, 25 (39), pp.9287-9294. ⟨10.1002/chem.201901372⟩. ⟨hal-03831759⟩
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