Article Dans Une Revue Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Année : 2022

Spatial autocorrelation of local patch extinctions drives recovery dynamics in metacommunities


Human activities put ecosystems under increasing pressure, often resulting in local extinctions. However, it is unclear how local extinctions affect regional processes, such as the distribution of diversity in space, especially if extinctions show spatial patterns, such as being clustered. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate extinctions and their consequences in a spatially explicit framework. Using highly controlled microcosm experiments and theoretical models, we ask here how the number and spatial autocorrelation of extinctions interactively affect metacommunity dynamics. We found that local patch extinctions increased local diversity ( α -diversity) and inter-patch diversity ( β -diversity) by delaying the exclusion of inferior competitors. Importantly, recolonization dynamics depended more strongly on the spatial distribution than on the number of patch extinctions: clustered local patch extinctions resulted in slower recovery, lower α -diversity and higher β -diversity. Our results highlight that the spatial distribution of perturbations should be taken into account when studying and managing spatially structured communities.
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hal-03745090 , version 1 (03-08-2022)



Camille Saade, Sonia Kéfi, Claire Gougat-Barbera, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Emanuel A Fronhofer. Spatial autocorrelation of local patch extinctions drives recovery dynamics in metacommunities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2022, 289 (1972), pp.20220543. ⟨10.1098/rspb.2022.0543⟩. ⟨hal-03745090⟩
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