Poster De Conférence Année : 2010

OpenAmaptheque : a library management software for scientific and technical information specialists in research units


Botany and Computational Plant Architecture Joint Research Unit (UMR AMAP) has developed an integrated library management freeware (ILMS), which is distributed under GNU/GPL licence. The software, called OpenAmapthèque, was developed specially for research structures. It is intended for scientific and technical information specialists and nonprofessionals in charge of managing documentary resources and publications within research units or laboratories. In additional to the usual functions of an ILMS (cataloguing, document circulation management, budget management and OPACs), the OpenAmapthèque system has several advantages: (1) full control of internal publications within research structures (laboratory, unit), covering every type of scientific document; (2) the possibility of importing and exporting notes in EndNote format; (3) a personal space for readers: access to loans, management of virtual shelves and personal search profiles, generation of alerts, etc; (4) simple software administration, within the abilities of library staff; (5) easy integration of internal publications into Internet/Intranet portals
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hal-03697291 , version 1 (16-06-2022)



  • HAL Id : hal-03697291 , version 1


Hatem Krit. OpenAmaptheque : a library management software for scientific and technical information specialists in research units. IAALD XIIIth World Congress, Apr 2010, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-03697291⟩
31 Consultations
20 Téléchargements

