Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Clinical Oncology Année : 2018

The impact of prostate cancer diagnosis on the quality of life at 3 years: A case control study.


67 Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer in men. Former studies showed a time-dependent worsening of sexual or urinary long term side effects following surgery or radiotherapy that affected patients’ quality of life (QoL). These studies could not discriminate between age-related and treatment-related symptoms, as patients were their own controls. We conducted a case-control study evaluating at 3 years QoL and physical/psychological dysfunctions, whereas patients were on watchful waiting or received a treatment. Methods: We used data from the EPICAP population-based case-control carried out by INSERM and including 1700 participants. Eligible cases were men < 75 years old newly diagnosed with PCa in 2012-2014 living in the Hérault geographic area. Controls were men of the same age recruited in the general population of the same area. Participants answered a QoL questionnaire 3 years after intervention. Primary objective was to compare the impact of diagnosis or/and treatments on QoL as measured by the EORTC QLQ-C30 score. Secondary objective was to compare the impact of diagnosis or/and treatments on urinary dysfunctions (IPSS, ICS), sexual dysfunctions (IEEF-5), anxiety (HADS), and occupational integration. We also assessed these QoL parameters depending on the treatment that was received. Results: Median age was 67.9 years old in the cases and 68.4 years old in the control. At 3 years, 376 cases and 352 controls had sent back their questionnaires. Treatments were: RP (258), RT (90), focal therapy (52), hormone therapy (26) and watchful waiting (61) at the time of the study. The results show no difference between cases and controls for the global QoL score. Other parameters are being assessed and will be presented at the meeting. Conclusions: Though prostate cancer cases and population-based controls showed similar global QoL at 3 years after diagnosis, the large EPICAP study will provide a comprehensive framework to go further in the understanding of PCa sequelae and give some hints on the balance between benefit and risk of PSA testing. This study will be the first to evaluate the different types of sequelae as a function of treatments and the occupational integration for patients < 65 years old.


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Dates et versions

hal-03578931 , version 1 (17-02-2022)



Florence Menegaux, Xavier Rebillard, Sophie Bouvet, Christel Castelli, Nadine Houede. The impact of prostate cancer diagnosis on the quality of life at 3 years: A case control study.. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2018, 36 (6_suppl), pp.67-67. ⟨10.1200/JCO.2018.36.6_suppl.67⟩. ⟨hal-03578931⟩
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