Cell-free nucleic acids as non-invasive biomarkers of gynecological cancers, ovarian, endometrial and obstetric disorders and fetal aneuploidy
Background: Proper folliculogenesis is fundamental to obtain a competent oocyte that, once fertilized, can support the acquisition of embryo developmental competence and pregnancy. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are crucial regulators of folliculogenesis, which are expressed in the cumulus-oocyte complex and in granulosa cells and some can also be found in the bloodstream. These circulating miRNAs are intensively studied and used as diagnostic/prognostic markers of many diseases, including gynecological and pregnancy disorders. In addition, serum contains small amounts of cell-free DNA (cfDNA), presumably resulting from the release of genetic material from apoptotic/necrotic cells. The quantification of nucleic acids in serum samples could be used as a diagnostic tool for female infertility.
Methods: An overview of the published literature on miRNAs, and particularly on the use of circulating miRNAs and cfDNA as non-invasive biomarkers of gynecological diseases, was performed (up to January 2014).
Results: In the past decade, cell-free nucleic acids have been studied for potential use as biomarkers in many diseases, particularly in gynecological cancers, ovarian and endometrial disorders, as well as in pregnancy-related pathologies and fetal aneuploidy. The data strongly suggest that the concentration of cell-free nucleic acids in serum from IVF patients or in embryo culture medium could be related to the ovarian hormone status and embryo quality, respectively, and be used as a non-invasive biomarker of IVF outcome.
Conclusions: The profiling of circulating nucleic acids, such as miRNAs and cfDNA, opens new perspectives for the diagnosis/prognosis of ovarian disorders and for the prediction of IVF outcomes, namely (embryo quality and pregnancy).