Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2016

A typology of Chinese wine consumers


Agreement is broad that the Chinese market has high potential for many products,including wine (Leeetal.,2009;Liuetal.,2014). China is very attractive for winemarkers (Jenster and Cheng, 2008; Camillo, 2012; Liu et al.,2014;Zeng and Szolnoki, 2014; Anderson and Wittwer,2015), ,particularly for the oldest wine-producing countries (Muhammad et al.,2014;Capitello et al.,2015) Wine consumption is showing a strong and steady increase of 25% per year over the last decade (ISWR,2014). Potential marketable segment of 167 million consumers (Bouzdine-Chameeva et al.,2014). According to Liu et al.(2013),it is essential to lead large scale and up-to date research about the Chinese wine consumption because studies on the segmentation of the Chinese wine market are scarce in the academic literature.
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hal-02971564 , version 1 (19-10-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02971564 , version 1


Carlos Raúl Sánchez Sánchez, Josselin Masson, Franck Celhay. A typology of Chinese wine consumers. American Association of Wine Economists, 10th Annual Conference, Jun 2016, Bordeaux, France. ⟨hal-02971564⟩
76 Consultations
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