Article Dans Une Revue Progrès en Urologie Année : 2019

[Retrospective multicentric evaluation of the efficacy of four-arms and adjustable male slings in the management of mild and moderate urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy].

Évaluation rétrospective multicentrique de l’efficacité de bandelettes sous urétrales quatre bras et ajustables dans la prise en charge des incontinences urinaires légères et modérées après prostatectomie totale


Introduction: Objective of the study to carry out a retrospective multicentric evaluation of the efficacy of male slings in the management of mild and moderate urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy.Method: We performed a multi-center study that included all patients with mild to moderate urinary stress incontinence after radical prostatectomy with adjustable slings or four-arm slings. We collected the number of protections before the procedure and one year after the application of the male sling.Results: A 4 arms or adjustable sling was put to 65 men. The cure rate was 33.3% (n=5) for Remeex, 52% (n=13) for TOMS, and 46.7% (n=12) for Virtue (P=0.07). The failure rate was 26.7% (n=4) for Remeex, 24% (n=6) for TOMS, and 40% (n=10) for Virtue (P=0.18). The overall complication rate was 40% (n=6) for Remeex, 28% (n=7) for TOMS, and 16% (n=4) for Virtue (P=0.19).Conclusion: This multicentric retrospective series confirms that male slings are a usefull therapy for patients with mild or moderate urinary incontinence.Level of evidence: 4.
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hal-02793265 , version 1 (21-07-2022)




A. El Kharroubi, H. Dergamoun, S. Droupy, Laurent Wagner. Évaluation rétrospective multicentrique de l’efficacité de bandelettes sous urétrales quatre bras et ajustables dans la prise en charge des incontinences urinaires légères et modérées après prostatectomie totale. Progrès en Urologie, 2019, 29 (16), pp.989-994. ⟨10.1016/j.purol.2019.06.003⟩. ⟨hal-02793265⟩


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