Volatile components of ten frozen mushrooms (Basidiomycetes)
Twenty-nine volatile substances often frozen mushrooms (Grifola frondosa, Clitocybe nebularis, Clitocybe odora, Tricholoma sulfureum, Agaricus bisporus, Amanita ovoidea, Clitopilus prunulus, Hebeloma radicosum, Pholiota apicrea, Boletus satanas, Basidiomycetes) from France have been identified by GC/MS. The main components of the fruit bodies were l-octen-3-ol, benzaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal and (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal. Lysidine, δ-cadinene, cis-sabinene hydrate and trans-sabinene hydrate were identified for the first time in mushrooms.