Article Dans Une Revue Carbohydrate Polymers Année : 2019

Synthesis and self-assembly of AB2-type amphiphilic copolymers from biobased hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and poly(L-lactide)


AB(2)-type amphiphilic (HPMC)(2)-PLA copolymers with various hydrophilic block lengths were synthesized using a three step procedure: ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide initiated by propynol, amination reduction of the aldehyde endgroup of HPMC, and thiol-click reaction. The resulted copolymers were characterized by NMR, DOSY-NMR, SEC and FT-IR. The cloud point (CP) was determined by UV-vis spectrometer. Data show that the HPMC block length has little effect on the Cp of the copolymers which is lower than that of HPMC. The self-assembly behavior of the copolymers was investigated from DLS, TEM, and critical micelle concentration (CMC) measurements. Spherical micelles are obtained by self-assembly of copolymers in aqueous solution. The micelle size and the CMC of copolymers increase with increasing HPMC block length. It is concluded that biobased and biodegradable (HPMC) 2-PLA copolymers could be promising as nano-carrier of hydrophobic drugs.


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hal-02076331 , version 1 (21-10-2021)




Aijing Lu, Jielin Wang, Marleny Caceres Najarro, S.M. Li, André Deratani. Synthesis and self-assembly of AB2-type amphiphilic copolymers from biobased hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and poly(L-lactide). Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 211, pp.133-140. ⟨10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.01.110⟩. ⟨hal-02076331⟩
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