Article Dans Une Revue Ecological Indicators Année : 2015

Quantifying the multiple facets of isotopic diversity: New metrics for stable isotope ecology


AbstractStable isotope analyses have emerged as an insightful tool for ecologists, with quantitative methods being developed to analyse data at the population, community and food web levels. In parallel, functional ecologists have developed metrics to quantify the multiple facets of functional diversity in a n-dimensional space based on functional traits. Here, we transferred and adapted metrics developed by functional ecologists into a set of four isotopic diversity metrics (isotopic divergence, dispersion, evenness and uniqueness) complementary to the existing metrics. Specifically, these new metrics are mathematically independent of the number of organisms analysed and account for the abundance of organisms. They can also be calculated with more than two stable isotopes. In addition, we also provide a procedure for calculating the levels of isotopic overlap (similarity and turnover) between two groups of organisms. These metrics have been implemented into new functions in R made freely available to users and we illustrated their application using stable isotope values from a freshwater fish community. Transferring the framework developed initially for measuring functional diversity to stable isotope ecology will allow more efficient assessments of changes in the multiple facets of isotopic diversity following anthropogenic disturbances.
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Dates et versions

hal-01919375 , version 1 (12-11-2018)



Julien Cucherousset, Sébastien Villéger. Quantifying the multiple facets of isotopic diversity: New metrics for stable isotope ecology. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 56, pp.152 - 160. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.03.032⟩. ⟨hal-01919375⟩
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