Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Année : 2016

Further insight into self-face recognition in schizophrenia patients: Why ambiguity matters


BACKGROUND: Although some studies reported specifically self-face processing deficits in patients with schizophrenia disorder (SZ), it remains unclear whether these deficits rather reflect a more global face processing deficit. Contradictory results are probably due to the different methodologies employed and the lack of control of other confounding factors. Moreover, no study has so far evaluated possible daily life self-face recognition difficulties in SZ. Therefore, our primary objective was to investigate self-face recognition in patients suffering from SZ compared to healthy controls (HC) using an "objective measure" (reaction time and accuracy) and a "subjective measure" (self-report of daily self-face recognition difficulties). METHOD: Twenty-four patients with SZ and 23 HC performed a self-face recognition task and completed a questionnaire evaluating daily difficulties in self-face recognition. Recognition task material consisted in three different faces (the own, a famous and an unknown) being morphed in steps of 20%. RESULTS: Results showed that SZ were overall slower than HC regardless of the face identity, but less accurate only for the faces containing 60%-40% morphing. Moreover, SZ and HC reported a similar amount of daily problems with self/other face recognition. No significant correlations were found between objective and subjective measures (p > 0.05). LIMITATIONS: The small sample size and relatively mild severity of psychopathology does not allow us to generalize our results. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that: (1) patients with SZ are as capable of recognizing their own face as HC, although they are susceptible to ambiguity; (2) there are far less self recognition deficits in schizophrenia patients than previously postulated.
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hal-01887774 , version 1 (04-10-2018)



Catherine Bortolon, Delphine Capdevielle, Robin Salesse, Stéphane Raffard. Further insight into self-face recognition in schizophrenia patients: Why ambiguity matters. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 2016, 50, pp.215 - 222. ⟨10.1016/j.jbtep.2015.09.006⟩. ⟨hal-01887774⟩
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