Article Dans Une Revue Atmospheric Science Letters Année : 2012

Potential of shipborne GPS atmospheric delay data for prediction of Mediterranean intense weather events

C. Champollion
C. Rocken
  • Fonction : Auteur


High spatial and temporal variability of mesoscale moisture fields is still a challenge for quantitative precipitation forecast within numerical weather prediction (NWP) models especially over ocean regions where observations are lacking. This study presents the comparison between integrated water vapor over the Mediterranean Sea determined from shipborne GPS, the NWP ALADIN/Météo-France model and MODIS retrieval during a 4-month campaign (autumn 2008). While moisture prediction of the NWP remains accurate during most of the observation period, there are significant periods with offsets between GPS data and model predictions. We analyze such events and discuss the associated meteorological situation.
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hal-02884103 , version 1 (29-06-2020)



K. Boniface, C. Champollion, J. Chery, Vincent Ducrocq, C. Rocken, et al.. Potential of shipborne GPS atmospheric delay data for prediction of Mediterranean intense weather events. Atmospheric Science Letters, 2012, 13 (4), pp.250-256. ⟨10.1002/asl.391⟩. ⟨hal-02884103⟩
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