Article Dans Une Revue Thrombosis Research Année : 2019

The role of haemostasis in placenta-mediated complications


Normal pregnancy is associated with an increasing state of activation of the haemostatic system. This activation state is excessive in women with placenta-mediated pregnancy complications (PMPCs), including preeclampsia (PE). Platelet activation plays a crucial pathophysiological role in PE. The very early activation of coagulation in the intervillous space is mandatory for placental growth and morphogenesis but its excesses and/or inadequate control may participate to the emergence of the trophoblastic phenotype of PE. Extracellular vesicles, of endothelial but also of trophoblastic origin, can favour key cellular reactions of preeclampsia, acting as proactive cofactors. The understanding of this intricate relationship between haemostasis activation and PMPCs may provide interesting keys for new pathophysiological therapeutic developments.


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Jean-Christophe Gris, Sylvie Bouvier, Eva Cochery-Nouvellon, Eric Mercier, Eve Mousty, et al.. The role of haemostasis in placenta-mediated complications. Thrombosis Research, 2019, 181 (Suppl. 1), pp.S10-S14. ⟨10.1016/S0049-3848(19)30359-7⟩. ⟨hal-02859858⟩
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