First evidence of the presence of genotype- 1 of Japanese encephalitis virus in Culex gelidus in Indonesia
Background: Japanese encephalitis has become a public health threat in Indonesia. Three genotypes have been recorded in Indonesia, i.e. genotype II (GII), genotype III (GIII) and genotype IV (GIV). Genotype I (GI) and genotype V (GV) have never been reported in Indonesia. Results: A Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) belonging to the genotype I-a (GI-a) has been isolated for the first time from a Culex gelidus mosquito in the Province of Jambi, Indonesia. This virus is related to a 1983 isolate from Thailand whereas the infected Cx. gelidus mosquito belonged to a Chinese haplotype. Conclusions: Surveillance of JEV and mosquito dissemination is recommended.
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