Article Dans Une Revue Cancer/Radiothérapie Année : 2016

[Radiotherapy of bladder cancer].

Radiothérapie des cancers de vessie


Surgery (radical cystectomy) is the standard treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Radiochemotherapy has risen as an alternative treatment option to surgery as part as organ-sparing combined modality treatment or for patients unfit for surgery. Radiochemotherapy achieves 5-year bladder intact survival of 40 to 65% and 5-year overall survival of 40 to 50% with excellent quality of life. This article introduces the French recommendations for radiotherapy of bladder cancer: indications, exams, technique, dosimetry, delivery and image guidance.
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Dates et versions

hal-02299039 , version 1 (27-09-2019)



O. Riou, B. Chauvet, J.-L. Lagrange, P. Martin, C. Llacer Moscardo, et al.. Radiothérapie des cancers de vessie. Cancer/Radiothérapie, 2016, 20, pp.S196-S199. ⟨10.1016/j.canrad.2016.07.010⟩. ⟨hal-02299039⟩
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