Chemical and pharmacological study of higher fungi. II. Comparative investigation of carpophores of some Nematoloma species: chemical composition and cultural characteristics
Carpophores of Nematoloma fasciculare, N. capnoides and N. sublateritium were screened by thin layer chromatography and qualitative chemical reactions in order to detect polyols, free sugards, amino acides, phenolic acids, glycosides, alkaloids, nitrogen-containing compounds and toxins. Arabitol, trehalose, alanine, valine, serine, glutamic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and vanilic acic as well as choline and cortinarine A were mainly observed in aqueoous and methanolic extracts of the studied Nematoloma species. Fungal toxins - amanitins, bufotenine, muscarine, muscimol and orellanine were not observerd. Glycosides were detected in methanolic and aqueous extracts from N. fasciculare and N. capnoides.