Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2016

Karst genesis modelling of a regional Mediterranean aquifer (Lez, France).


The Lez aquifer (Montpellier, France) developed in a Mediterranean setting, through several stages. Problem : The Messinian crisis is considered as mainly having driven the architecture of the karst conduits. Questions : Is this stage the most important in terms of impact on Lez aquifer architecture, and how does it compare with the previous stages? Tools : To answer to these questions, a numerical model (GODIAG, TOTAL S.A.) has been constructed for the Lez aquifer. It allows to test several scenarii of the evolution of the karstic network through time.


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Dates et versions

hal-02128839 , version 1 (14-05-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02128839 , version 1


Véronique Léonardi, Gerard Massonnat, J. Darey, Caroline Planteblat, C. Gal. Karst genesis modelling of a regional Mediterranean aquifer (Lez, France).. 43rd IAH International Congress “Groundwater and society : 60 years of IAH”, Sep 2016, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-02128839⟩
79 Consultations
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