UV-filters and musk from Personal care products in coastal regions : Seasonal and diurnal trend in mussels and seawater.
UV-filters and musks fragrances have come into focus because these compounds
are increasingly used in sunscreen products and in many products of daily use,
such as cosmetics, skin creams, plastics or varnish. These compounds have gained
increasing interest due to their occurrence in the environment and to their potential
to cause endocrine disruption. UV-filters have been reported in coastal regions
mainly due to recreational bathing activities, including both sea water (Sankoda et
al. 2015) and marine mussels (Bachelot et al. 2012). The highest concentrations of
UV filters in mussels were reported for two substances,
ethylhexylmethoxycinnamate (EHMC) and octocrylene (OC) and occurred in sites
with a strong touristic frequentation and a geomorphological conformation of the
beach closed to the wide. In this context, the objectives of this work were three
folds: firstly, a monitoring of the seasonal variations and diurnal trends of these
emerging contaminants was conducted during the touristic period. Secondly, the
relation between the concentration in water and in mussels was studied within one
day for a better understanding of the temporal trends. Finally, the contribution of
WWTP releases on coastal contamination was investigated. The extraction of
mussel tissues was based on a QuEChERS procedure (Picot-Groz et al. 2014). Sea
water was extracted with semi-preparative extraction (SPE) method. Analysis was
performed with liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
(GC-MS/MS). The developed analytical method allowed to detect target
compounds at low levels under 10 ng/g in marine mussels and under 1 ng/L in sea
water samples. A seasonal variation of OC and EHMC was observed with the
highest concentration in mussels reported in July while the strongest touristic
pressure. The diurnal trend of UV filters was similar in sea water and in mussels.
These results suggest a high bioconcentration potential in mussels, and probably a
metabolism ability for these substances. This is in accordance with previous
findings where mussels feed with contaminated phytoplankton bioaccumulated
low UV-filter concentration (Gomez et al. 2012). One UV stabilizer (UVP) and
one musk (galaxolide) occurred in mussels from a non protected area, indicating
other inputs than bathing. The reason evoked is the arrival of WWTP rejects that
do not allow a complete elimination of these compounds.