Origin and dynamics of spring flows during flood events inferred from innovative tracers
Understanding the dynamics of flow and recharge processes is crucial information for managing water
resources. However, this is challenging in heterogeneous systems, e.g. karst, due to the strong spatial
variability in flow pathways. In addition, the evolution of mixing at the event-scale is rarely
characterized with sufficient details to constrain or validate hydrodynamic models. The objectives of
this study were to (1) identify event-scale variations in contributions from different flow pathways to a
karst spring, and (2) better constrain the response of spring dynamics to the spatio-temporal variability
of flood events. The study focuses on the main spring (Lez spring) of a Mediterranean karst aquifer
near Montpellier (SE France), which is subject to intense autumn rainfall events. We used innovations
in (1) the continuous and high frequency monitoring of tracers (delta18O, delta2H, and natural
fluorescence+ humic and proteic-like compounds), and (2) the types of tracers monitored (natural and
anthropogenic dissolved gases, radon and radium isotopes, 3D-fluorescence and total organic
carbon). Three rainfall events highlighted distinct spring chemical responses. The first event was
characterized by a contribution of deep groundwater flow (low CFC contents, low (228Ra 226Ra)
ratios and low organic carbon concentrations) resulting from a piston flow effect due to heavy rainfalls
at the basin margins. The second event showed a proteic peak associated with a sharp decline in DO
concentrations and an anomalous peak in delta18O. The third event was characterized by a dilution
effect by subsurface waters (CFC contamination, high turbidity and radon peak) due to high local
rainfall. The simultaneous monitoring of these tracers during multiple rainfall events provides an
innovative approach in spring dynamics analysis, and improves our understanding of a complex
hydrogeological system. The Lez spring supplies drinking water for Montpellier, therefore
understanding the variability of water origins and potential contamination pathways during intense
storm events is essential.