Evidences and characterization of groundwater circulation in dryland piedmonts+ impacts on aquifer recharge. Example of the Andean Piedmont between 19.5°S and 20°S (Northern Chile).
A piedmont acts as a transition zone, shaped by an alluvial cover overlying the bedrock, between i) a
mountain range area and its lowland+ ii) a high and low precipitation area which generally correlated
with the relief in drylands. These transition zones can be associated to significant groundwater
circulation, from the mountain front recharge zones towards a downstream aquifer, generally located
in the lowlands. Nevertheless, due to several constraints (rugged terrains, significant vadose zone) the
density of observation points (e.g. well) in the piedmont is very restricted, whereas a large number of
wells (groundwater exploitation) are usually available in the lowlands. Consequently, both groundwater
circulation and aquifer recharge in the piedmont cover are poorly addressed and thus often neglected.
The Andean Piedmont (between 19,5°S and 20°S - Northern Chile) is located in the Pampa del
Tamarugal (PdT) Central Depression. The piedmont cover and the lowlands are composed of late -
Cenozoic alluvial deposits (hundreds of meters thick) which contain the Pampa del Tamarugal Aquifer
(PTA). In this arid and hyperarid climatic context, the PTA is one of the main strategic groundwater
resources in Northern Chile. In order to determine both groundwater circulation and aquifer recharge
within the piedmont, we used various approaches such as (i) Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM)
method to assess resistivity variations with depth+ (ii) stream flow measurements+ (iii) analysis of
current springs location and paleogeomorphic features of the piedmont cover and (iv) hydrogeological
modelling. This allowed to better constrain the aquifer boundaries with the geological structures+ to
identify preferential recharge areas and to highlight a regional groundwater flow patter n in the alluvial
cover. This methodology, transposable to other dryland piedmonts, allowed providing a new
conceptual model of the PTA.