A stereotaxic atlas of the grey lesser mouse lemur brain (Microcebus murinus).
In response to the growing interest in the prosimian Microcebus murinus for studies on cerebral aging, the stereotaxic atlas of its brain was carried out in view of further anatomical, biochemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral investigations as well as for therapeutic experiments. This primate, which could be a valuable model for neuroscientific studies in various domains, presents numerous physiological advantages (e.g., size, cost, and ability to breed) compared to rodents, which can be used as nonprimate models, and simians. The atlas, valid for adult microcebes of every age and both sexes, consists of 54 frontal plates and 28 sagittal plates. For the establishment of stereotaxic coordinates and for drawings and photographs, 10 adult specimens of Microcebus murinus were used. The brains were frozen, cut into sections of 50 microm thickness, every fourth section being stained with Nissl. First, sections were projected and the outlines of the different structures, nuclei, and fibers were drawn. Then, the accuracy of the analysis was improved by detailed observation directly by microscope and also by computer analysis. Finally, the photographs of the sections were scanned and processed using the software Photoshop and Illustrator. For testing coordinates, several verifications were made. Experiments on lesions and injections of different substances were carried out in specific regions of the brain and brains implanted with needles were fixed in formol and embedded in paraffin wax.