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Présentation du LCPQ

Le LCPQ (UMR 5626, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantique) est un laboratoire de recherche localisé sur le campus de l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. Il regroupe des chercheurs dont les activités couvrent plusieurs domaines de la Chimie Théorique -essentiellement quantique- et de la Physique Moléculaire Théorique.

Le LCPQ est membre de la Fédération de recherche FeRMI (Fédération de recherche Matière et Interactions - FR2051), anciennement IRSAMC (Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes)..

Avant 2007 =>, voir le Laboratoire de Physique Quantique HAL-LPQ.


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A general scheme for calculating ternary recombination rate constants of atomic species based on a hybrid quantum–classical nonadiabatic dynamics approach is presented and applied to the specific case of the ternary recombination of atomic ions of argon in cold argon plasmas. Rate constants are reported for both fine-structure states of the ion, and , T = 300 K, and for selected values of the reduced electric field. A thorough comparison with the literature data available for T = 300 K and a couple of close temperatures is performed with a favorable agreement achieved. It is shown that the excited ions may contribute to the formation of dimer ions, , as efficiently as the ground-state ions, , due to fast internal conversion of the electronic energy, which takes place in ternary collision complexes, .

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We present the first theoretical line profile calculations of the ultraviolet spectral lines of carbon perturbed by helium using a semiclassical collision approach and high-quality ab initio potentials and electronic transition dipole moments. The temperature range is from 5000 to 8000 K. These results are important for astrophysical modelling of spectra in atmospheres of white dwarf stars showing atomic carbon in an helium atmosphere. Beyond the conventional symmetrical Lorentzian core at low He density, these lines exhibit a blue asymmetric behaviour. This blue asymmetry is a consequence of low maxima in the corresponding C–He potential energy difference curves at short internuclear distances. The collisional profiles are carefully examined and their perturber density dependence allow to understand the various line shapes of the observed carbon spectral lines in helium-rich white dwarf photosphere where the He perturber densities reach several 1021 cm−3.

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Formation, distribution and behaviour of Complex Organic Molecules (COM's) in space is an important subject of research to the better understanding of the initial condition for the appearance of life on Earth. Furthermore, the study of high energy chemical processes in the interstellar medium (cosmic radiation's effect) and in solar system (solar wind's effect), is been of high interest. The aim of this work is to study astrophysical molecules trapped in interstellar ice systems under the effect of high energy radiation. These ices are characterised by being large systems, with large number of atoms. QM/MM hybrid method has become a very popular tool for molecular systems' simulations with a large number of atoms, appearing as a good compromise between accuracy and computational costs. We report the implementation of QM/MM hybrid method in the deMonNano software, using the Density Functional based Tight Binding (DFTB), an approximated DFT scheme, combined with Molecular Mechanic (MM) approach, namely Force Fields (FF) of class 1, such as OPLS-AA and AMBER-families of FFs. A complete implementation was performed using the QM/MM additive coupling scheme. In addition, the investigation of high energy chemical processes requires the explicit simulation of the electronic dynamics beyond the Born Oppenheimer approximation. As first step towards such dynamics, we will report the implementation of Real Time TD-DFTB in deMonNano, consisting in solving the Time-Dependent Schrödinger equation within the DFTB, where the electronic density matrix is propagated along time. We report a detailed introduction to new DFTB/MM and RT-TD-DFTB implementations as well as the complete study on glycine prebiotic molecule trapped in an interstellar ice. PAH interstellar systems will be also a matter of study.

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The subject of the thesis focuses on new approximations studied in a formalism based on a perturbation theory allowing to describe the electronic properties of many-body systems in an approximate way. We excite a system with a small disturbance, by sending light on it or by applying a weak electric field to it, for example and the system "responds" to the disturbance, in the framework of linear response, which means that the response of the system is proportional to the disturbance. The goal is to determine what we call the neutral excitations or bound states of the system, and more particularly the single excitations. These correspond to the transitions from the ground state to an excited state. To do this, we describe in a simplified way the interactions of the particles of a many-body system using an effective interaction that we average over the whole system. The objective of such an approach is to be able to study a system without having to use the exact formalism which consists in diagonalizing the N-body Hamiltonian, which is not possible for systems with more than two particles.

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DNA in living beings is constantly damaged by exogenous and endogenous agents. However, in some cases, DNA photodamage can have interesting applications, as it happens in photodynamic therapy. In this work, the current knowledge on the photophysics of 4-thiouracil has been extended by further quantum-chemistry studies to improve the agreement between theory and experiments, to better understand the differences with 2-thiouracil, and, last but not least, to verify its usefulness as a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy. This study has been carried out by determining the most favorable deactivation paths of UV–vis photoexcited 4-thiouracil by means of the photochemical reaction path approach and an efficient combination of the complete-active-space second-order perturbation theory//complete-active-space self-consistent field (CASPT2//CASSCF), (CASPT2//CASPT2), time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), and spin-flip TDDFT (SF-TDDFT) methodologies. By comparing the data computed herein for both 4-thiouracil and 2-thiouracil, a rationale is provided on the relatively higher yields of intersystem crossing, triplet lifetime and singlet oxygen production of 4-thiouracil, and the relatively higher yield of phosphorescence of 2-thiouracil.

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