
Calls for Trans-National Access - NEW CALL FOR PROPOSALS

posté le 2016-12-08 08:45:08 by Marie Puren

TNA Calls for Access are published twice a year in February and September. Next deadline: 2017, February 15th Further deadlines: 2017, September 15th; 2018, February 15th; 2018, September 15th The Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Culture Heritage IPERION CH launches Calls for proposals twice a year. Proposals are addressed to three advanced transnational platforms ARCHLAB, FIXLAB and MOLAB. The access is offered to: Archives in European museums or conservation institutes (ARCHLAB); Advanced mobile analytical instrumentations for in-situ non-invasive measurements (MOLAB); Integrated platforms where large scale facilities are coupled with medium scale installations (FIXLAB).

For more information

International Symposium on ‘Cultural Heritage and Data: the Role of Research Infrastructures’

posté le 2016-12-08 08:27:00 by Marie Puren

Organized in the framework of the EU-Horizon2020 project IPERION-CH, the two-day International Sympo... 

1st IPERION CH Doctoral Summer School

posté le 2016-04-07 10:24:14 by Marie Puren

The 1st IPERION CH Doctoral Summer School (IDS3) will be held in Madrid, Spain, from 12th to 15th Ju... 

Presentation of E-RIHS Infrastructure France in Paris - 31 mai 2016

posté le 2016-03-25 14:52:57 by Marie Puren

On May 31, the different dimensions of Infrastructure E-RIHS will be presented in Paris at the Minis... 

IPERION CH - 1st Annual Meeting in Berlin - 12-15 April 016

posté le 2016-03-25 14:42:39 by Marie Puren

IPERION CH will hold its 1st Annual Meeting in Berlin starting from April 12 until April 15.