Intraspecific competitive interactions rapidly evolve via spontaneous mutations
Using a mechanistic spatially explicit trait-based neighborhood-model, we quantify the impact of mutations on intraspecific spatial interactions to better understand mechanisms underlying the maintenance of genetic variation and the potential effects of these evolved interactions on the population dynamics of Arabidopsis thaliana. We use 100 twenty-fifth generation mutation accumulation (MA) lines (genotypes) derived from one founder genotype to study mutational effects on neighbor responses in a field experiment. We created individual-based maps (15,000 individuals), including phenotypic variation, to quantify mutational effects within genotypes versus between genotypes on reproduction and survival. At small-scale (within 80 cm of the focal plant), survival is enhanced but seed-set is decreased when a genotype is surrounded by different genotypes. At large-scale (within 200 cm of the focal plant), seed set is facilitated by different genotypes while the same genotype has either no effect or negative effects. The direction of the interactions among MA lines suggests that at small scale these interactions may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation and at large scale contribute to the survival of the population. This may suggest, that, mutations potentially have immediate effects on population and community dynamics by influencing the outcome of competitive and faciliatory interactions among conspecifics.