- TAckling the Underspecified
- TERATEC [Bruyères-le-Chatel]
- TGE Adonis
- THALES [France]
- THALIM - Théorie et histoire des arts et des littératures de la modernité - UMR 7172
- TNO Climate, Air and Sustainability [Utrecht]
- TO Simulate and CAlibrate stochastic models
- TOTAL Refining and Chemical
- TOTAL Research & Technology Gonfreville
- TOTAL, Centre de recherche de Solaize
- TOkamaks and NUmerical Simulations
- TRANSCEND Res Ctr, Reg Inst Oncol IRO,
- TRIUMF [Vancouver]
- TU Berlin
- Tages SAS (.)
- Taif University
- Taipei Medical University
- Takis s.r.l [Rome, Italy]
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Tampere School of Public Health
- Tampere University of Technology [Tampere]
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- Tarbiat Modares University [Tehran]
- Tartu Observatory, Observatooriumi 1, 61602, Toravere, Estonia
- Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research [Bangalore]
- Tata Steel Europe, RD&T, Ceramic Research Centre, IJmuiden
- Tata Steel Ltd
- Team 1 : Mononuclear phagocytes, Immunopathology, Immunovirology
- Team 1 LCPO : Polymerization Catalyses & Engineering
- Team 3 : Integrative transplantation, HLA, Immunology and genomics of kidney injury
- Team 4 LCPO : Polymer Materials for Electronic, Energy, Information and Communication Technologies
- Team 6 : Impact of acute inflammation on host pathogen interactions and lung homeostasis
- Technical University Hamburg Harburg [Hamburg]
- Technical University of Berlin | Technische Universität Berlin
- Technical University of Crete [Chania]
- Technical University of Kaiserslautern
- Technical University of Lisbon
- Technical University of Munich
- Technicolor
- Technicolor [Cesson Sévigné]
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology [Haifa]
- Techniques de l'Ingénierie Médicale et de la Complexité - Informatique, Mathématiques et Applications Grenoble - UMR 5525
- Techniques de l'Ingénierie Médicale et de la Complexité - Informatique, Mathématiques et Applications, Grenoble - UMR 5525
- Techniques pour l'Evaluation et la Modélisation des Actions de la Santé
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Technische Universität Braunschweig = Technical University of Braunschweig [Braunschweig]
- Technische Universität Darmstadt - Technical University of Darmstadt
- Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology
- Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
- Technische Universität Ilmenau
- Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
- Technische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich
- Technocentre Renault - Direction de l'Électronique Avancée
- Technocentre Renault [Guyancourt]
- Technodigit
- Technological University [Dublin]
- Technologie campus Gent - KU Leuven
- Technologie des équipements agroalimentaires
- Technologie et Ethnologie des Mondes Préhistoriques
- Technologies et Méthodes pour les Agricultures de demain
- Technologies et systèmes d'information pour les agrosystèmes
- Tecnológico de Monterrey = Monterrey Institute of Technology
- Tel Aviv University
- Temple University [Philadelphia]
- Temps, espaces, langages Europe méridionale-Méditerranée
- Territoires
- Territoires, Environnement, Télédétection et Information Spatiale
- Texas A&M University [College Station]
- Texas A&M University at Qatar
- Texas Tech University [Lubbock]
- Texila American University
- Textes, Théories, Numérique
- Thales AVS
- Thales Alenia Space [Toulouse]
- Thales LAS France
- Thales R&T France
- Thales Research & Technology France
- Thales Research and Technologies [Orsay]
- Thales Research and Technology [Palaiseau]
- Thayer School of Engineering
- The Aga Khan University
- The American College, Madurai
- The Arctic University of Norway [Tromsø, Norway]
- The Bartlett
- The Biodesign Center for Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics, Center for Evolution and Medicine and School of Life sciences
- The Biodesign Center for Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics, Center for Evolution and Medicine, School of Life Sciences
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong [Hong Kong]
- The College of New Jersey
- The Enteric Nervous System in gut and brain disorders [U1235]
- The Francis Crick Institute [London]
- The George Washington University
- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- The Hospital for sick children [Toronto]
- The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation South East Asia (Bangkok University)
- The National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) [Moscow, Russia]
- The Natural History Museum [London]
- The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
- The Ocean Cleanup (NETHERLANDS)
- The Ohio State University [Columbus]
- The Open University [Milton Keynes]
- The Pirbright Institute
- The Roslin Institute
- The Royal Marsden
- The Scripps Research Institute [La Jolla, San Diego]
- The Swiss Light Source (SLS)
- The Taub Institute for Research in Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain
- The Third Military Medical University
- The University of Chicago Medicine [Chicago]
- The University of Hong Kong
- The University of Melbourne
- The University of New Mexico [Albuquerque]
- The University of Queensland
- The University of Sidney
- The University of Sydney
- The University of Sydney Nano Institute, University of Sydney
- The University of Sydney, School of Biomedical Engineering
- The University of Tennessee Health Science Center [Memphis]
- The University of Tennessee [Knoxville]
- The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- The University of Texas at San Antonio
- The University of Tokyo
- The University of Western Australia
- The University of the West Indies
- The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute [Cambridge]
- Theodor Kocher Institute
- Theoretical Chemistry Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Theoretical Division [LANL]
- Theoretical Physics
- Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation, GR-116 35 Athens
- Theoretische Physik
- Theoretische Teilchenphysik
- Theorical Division
- TheraPanacea [Paris]
- Theranexus [Lyon]
- Therapie Cellulaire en Pathologie Cardio-Vasculaire
- ThereSIS lab - Thales
- Thermodynamique et Energétique des fluides complexes
- Thermodynamique et biophysique des petits systèmes
- Thomas Jefferson University
- Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics
- Thomson
- Thomson Multimedia R&D France
- Threat Analysis and Mitigation for Information Security
- Thème 3 - Savoirs et Autorités
- Thèses d'exercice et mémoires - UFR de Médecine Montpellier-Nîmes
- Thèses d'exercice et mémoires - UFR des sciences pharmaceutiques et biologiques de Montpellier
- Théorie Quantique des Circuits
- Théorie de la Matière Condensée
- Théorie quantique des matériaux [IMPMC]
- Théoriser et modéliser pour aménager (UMR 6049)
- Thérapeutiques cliniques et expérimentales des infections (EA 3826)
- Thérapie des maladies du muscle strié
- Tianjin University of Science and Technology
- Tim, Events and Architectures
- Tohoku University [Sendai]
- Tokyo Institute of Technology [Tokyo]
- Tokyo University of Science [Tokyo]
- Tomsk State Pedagogical University
- Tomsk State University
- Tomsk State University [Tomsk]
- Ton Duc Thang University [Hô-Chi-Minh-City]
- Tongji University
- Topology-Aware System-Scale Data Management for High-Performance Computing
- Total (FRANCE)
- Total E&P
- Total Energies
- Total Research and Technology Feluy
- Total SA
- TotalEnergies
- TotalFinaElf
- Toulouse Biotechnology Institute
- Toulouse Mind & Brain Institut
- Toulouse NeuroImaging Center
- Toulouse School of Economics
- Toxicité environnementale, cibles thérapeutiques, signalisation cellulaire
- Toxicologie et Génopathies [CHRU Lille]
- Toxines bactériennes - Bacterial Toxins
- Toyama National College of Technology
- Toyota Motor Europe
- Trafic Vésiculaire, Réponse Innée et Virus – Vesicular trafficking, Innate response [CIRI]
- Traitement Automatique du Langage Ecrit et Parlé
- Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel
- Traitement Eau Air Métrologie
- Traitement du Langage Parlé
- Traitement du Langage Parlé - LISN
- Traitement et Appropriation des Connaissances par les TIC
- Trajectoires Développementales en Psychiatrie [Paris]
- Trajectoires développementales en psychiatrie : mesures et modélisations
- Transferts, écoulements, fluides, énergétique
- Transformation Intégrée de la Matière Renouvelable
- Transformations et Agro-ressources
- Transformations et outils informatiques pour le calcul scientifique
- Transgenèse et archivage d'animaux modèles
- Translational Innovation in Medicine and Complexity | Recherche Translationnelle et Innovation en Médecine et Complexité - UMR 5525
- Translational Oncology
- Translational and Integrative Group in Epilepsy Research
- Transplantation, Immunologie, Inflammation [Tours]
- Transport Multiphasique
- Transpyrenean Advanced Laboratory for Electron
- Transvalor
- Transvalor S. A.
- Travaux et recherches archéologiques sur les cultures, les espaces et les sociétés
- Tri ionique par les Systèmes Moléculaires auto-assemblés
- Triangle : action, discours, pensée politique et économique
- Trinity College Dublin
- Trivedi Global Inc.
- Tropical Institute of Development Innovations
- Tropospheric sounding, assimilation, and modeling group [JPL]
- Troubles cognitifs dégénératifs et vasculaires - U 1171 - EA 1046
- Trust-IT Services [Pisa]
- Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList)
- Tsinghua University [Beijing]
- Tufts University School of Medicine [Boston]
- Tufts University [Medford]
- Tumorothèque de Caen Basse-Normandie
- Turbomeca
- Turbomeca [Bordes]
- Turbulence Incompressible et Contrôle [Institut Pprime]
- Turkic Interlingua
- Tweag I|O
- Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
- Tyndall National Institute
- Télécom Bretagne
- Télécom Paris
- Télécom ParisTech
- Télécom SudParis
- Térahertz, hyperfréquence et optique